Monday, July 12, 2010

Pink Tux to the Prom

Prom....ha. I didn't really want to go to prom...not at all actually. Then I decided I'd go on one condition, if my friend Alina wanted to go and seeing as how we both don't dance, that was seriously the one and only way I'd attend this important right of passage (or so it's called.)lol

The week of prom ticket sale, I was still not planning on going...until... Alina called me about 2 days before tickets were done being sold and decided she wanted to go...and I didn't want to disappoint her.

We both already had dresses so thankfully there was no need for a crash prom dress shopping day! (Joy, do you recognize this dress at all!?) ;)

Prom was okay...the food was alright, and I'm sure the dancing was bad, except I didn't see much of it b/c me and Alina were outside the whole time catching up w/ each other's lives, giving advice, and having a great God conversation.

We took pictures before hand and everyone was being boring and taking the same old standard "put your arm around each other and smile" pose until i decided to jazz it up by attempting to work in something a little bit "cuter."

And I'm not putting up too many pictures here b/c i looked soooo gross!!
(my newly cut short hair might have had something to do w/ it...)ha.

But now, here's the big question.....although I said I wouldn't dance at prom, did I?? The answer: yes, I did. Both me and Alina actually. After talking out side for quite a while, to avoid getting bit by bugs, me and Alina went inside in this cute little living room area (away from the dance floor,) took some more pictures, sat on the couch and continued to chat away. But seeing as how we were the only ones in there, Alina decided we should at least pop out one dance move....I agreed. So, we both stood up, she twirled in a circle, and I twirled in a circle. Then we sat down, happy we "danced" at our prom. Yup...and that was it. (On a technical level, can you even call that dancing!?!)lol
Another attempt at a cute'd we do??haha.

And just for giggles, look at how mad I look looks like I'm taking prom way too seriously!!lol
Yup, and that's my senior prom...which I never quite expected to go to....but I'm glad I did. It wasn't how I pictured prom, but was much, much better and blessed because I had Alina there with me and enjoyed our conversations very much!! :)
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be greatly praised." ~Proverbs 31:30
(ps: I hate blog never turns out how I want....) :( lol

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